Food poisaning in summer

Food poisaning in summer 

Food poisaning in summer

Sometimes a slight negligence in food causes problems of food poisoning. As a result of weakness, you feel tired and it is difficult to eat. Let's know about food poisoning-

Food poisoning
This is a bacterial disease that occurs from old, bad or contaminated food. Food poisoning is a problem when the bacteria or its toxic substances go into our stomach and spread infection in the intestines.

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Reasons for Food Poisoning

Contaminated food, cutting and baking vegetables with dirty hands is the main reason. Food poisoning can also be caused by eating uncovered food.

G-jitter, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration. But when the urine becomes less due to unconsciousness, lethargy, blood pressure and dehydration, other than normal symptoms, contact the doctor immediately.

These bacteria and viruses are most active in the summer season. The reason for this is the fly and mosquito present in the environment.

In most cases, the problem of food poisoning is cured after a short period of time. But sometimes the situation can be serious. For which the doctor immediately removes ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) for relief and gives antibiotics when needed.

To defend
Always eat fresh and warm food. Make a homemade meal as long as possible. Wash hands thoroughly with soap before and after eating and after eating. Avoid market charts, juices or cut fruits. The food kept in the fridge should be used only after heating.

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