Do not drink water from a plastic bottle

Do not drink water from a plastic bottle
Today, the trend of drinking water from plastic bottles has increased significantly in people. Due to a long journey or a lot of drinking water, the plastic bottle is always kept in the bag.
But friends use plastic bottles are very harmful to health. If you drink water from a plastic bottle, then it can cause many other dangerous diseases, besides cancer, diabetes, heart disease, pregnant mother and child.
If you use a plastic bottle of unheard-tonk, then know that there are many harmful chemicals in the plastic bottle which are available in water after getting hot
These dangerous chemicals through the water cause harm to the body by reaching our body. So if you use plastic bottles to drink water, stop using them now.

According to the research of Hawaii Cancer Hospital, plastic bottle water may be caused by cancer. When a plastic bottle is hot due to sunlight or excessive temperature then leakage of harmful chemical dioxin in plastic starts. This dioxin reaches into our body through water. Dioxins have a bad effect on the cells present in our body.

Weakness of mind
The activities of the brain are affected due to the biopsenol A, which is used in the plastic bottle of the plastic bottle. Due to this the power of understanding and remembering the human being diminishes.

Gas in constipation and stomach
In fact, due to the biopsenol A used to make plastic bottles, there is also a bad effect on the stomach. When a chemical called BPA reaches the stomach then it also affects the digestive tract. It also does not digest food well and can cause problems of constipation and gas in the stomach.

Birth defects may occur in the child
The chemist making the bottle can cause chromosome abnormalities in the embryo, which can lead to birth defects in the child. If the regular consumption of bottle water is done in pregnancy then the infant born can move forward to prostate cancer or breast cancer.

Stomach disease
If your bottle has not been washed for months and drinking water in it repeatedly, then you may have problems with stomach because it becomes a bacterial home.

The risk of miscarriage
Women who have had difficulty getting pregnant or have had a mischrought one before, they should not drink more water than plastic bottles. It also reduces sperm count in men.

Do not use Low Quality Plastic Bottle
Many people will buy a cheap plastic bottle of roadside sideways in the wake of saving money. Do not do this because chemicals are used to make these bottles, which leave this chemical in water after heating.

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