What can you eat in raw foods Fruits and vegetables ?

What can you eat in raw foods
Fruits and vegetables ?

What can you eat in raw foods Fruits and vegetables ?
Most raw foods are often just vegetarian. But some raw food items are eaten nonpasturized dairy products, raw meat, raw eggs, and sushi (Japanese food). Most
people believe that food items should be cooked or heated from 116 to 118 ° Fahrenheit. But those who believe in the idea of ​​raw foods believe that ----- cooked food enzymes are destroyed and it has many nutritional benefits. The supporters of raw foods say that eating and eating foods with processed foods, animal products, pasteurized foods and chemical additives in diabetes and hypertension like exposure to diseases will increase.

What can you eat ?

Foods containing almonds, cereals and seeds

Jacks and spices

Some unscrupulous dairy products, raw meat, raw egg cream, and sushi can also be eaten. Some raw foods such as boiled pasta or a baked potato are cooked in limited quantities. But these foods should be at least 25% of your total daily food items.

Raw meat in raw food is usually fish or chicken. This type of diet can be food mix, dry powder or juice. If you are only eating raw foods of your food, at least 75 percent of your food should be cooked or crispy.

The principle of raw food is that if you eat raw food more than it needs, it is difficult to digest. Eat raw or vegan food according to your requirement.

Advantages or benefits of raw food
All food items and fresh products included in the diet are considered to be beneficial for health. There are other major benefits of food with restrictive processed foods and chemical additives.

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