10 way to tone thighs and hips

10 way to tone thighs and hips

The lower part of the body produces difficult for many people, especially in women. On the hips and thighs several times unnecessary fat accumulates, which can make you unattractive.

The major cause of fatigue on these parts of the body is harmonics, genetics and unhealthy lifestyles. Fortunately, there are some ways to bring muscles in the hips and thigh muscles, so that you can remove frozen fat on these parts of the body and make your feet slender and beautiful.

Apart from this, many effective techniques, by making simple changes in lifestyle and changes in diet, you can reduce fat by your hips and thighs.
There are 10 way to tone thighs and hips.

1. Cardio and Strength Training Exercise
Use stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical trainer for at least five days of cardiac exercise for 30 to 40 minutes in a week. In addition to Strength Training Exercise, which includes Squat, Single Leg Squat, Jumping Squat, Lounge, Leg Extension and Lang Curls, 3 to 4 times a week for 30 to 40 minutes.

2. Aerobic exercise
In addition to strengthening the body and cardiovascular exercises, there is also a need for aerobic exercise to reduce the fat of your thighs and hips. This exercise reduces the fat of your thighs and other parts of the body.

3. Yoga
You can also do Yogasana to reduce frozen fat on hips and thighs. Suryanamaskar in yoga is such a posture which removes fat from all parts of the body including hips and thighs. It is very useful to reduce the fat of thighs. Practice of sun-worship twice a day.

4. Apple Cedar Winager
Apple cider vinegar helps in breaking the fat so fat does not let the body feel freezing. Add one part olive oil or coconut oil to 3 parts apple cider vinegar. Massage it for about 30 minutes on your hips and thighs. Leave it like this for 30 minutes and then wash it with water. Do it twice a day.

5. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is very good for extracting extra fat from the body, including hip and thighs. Massage coconut oil on hips and thighs for about 10 minutes twice a day. Also use extra virgin coconut oil for cooking

6. Coffee Coffee
Rough coffee works like a wonderful scrub that helps in reducing frozen fat around hips and thighs.
Take a teaspoon soft coffee
Mix honey in it to make it thick like paste.
Put it on your hips and thighs before bathing and let it dry.

7. Sea salt (sea salt)
Si-salt brings the muscles of your thighs and hips into the skin and gives them shape. Mix 2 cups of sea salt in a tub hot water. Mix 6 to 8 drops of Essential Oil in it. Keep your body soaked in this water for 10 to 20 minutes. Enjoy this type of bath several times a week.

8. Red Chilly
Red chillies reduce frozen fat on hips and thighs and bring them in shape. Take a glass of hot water and add a lemon juice. Now add one tbspy red chilli and what happens to ginger. Mix it well and drink it twice a day.

9. Changes in diet
To make the body healthy and healthy hips and thighs, healthy diet is very important. Take care of your diet for which here are some guidelines:
Eat foods with low calorie intake Avoid the use of substances that contain high amounts of sugar such as soda, energy drinks, juice etc. because they contain very high quantities of sugar. To make tea or any other substance sweet, use natural sweeteners such as honey.

10. Drink plenty of water
It is very important to drink plenty of amounts throughout the day because the liver needs water to convert fat into energy and to maintain metabolism high. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of clean water every day. Actually start your day with water.

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